Nebula, a young man in the height of his teenage years, lives in an orphanage located in the town of Canopia. It has been more than half a century since the decimation of Earth during World War III and humanity is still recovering from the catastrophic missile launches that brought about planetary devastation. Despite the difficulties of being surrounded by barren wasteland, Nebula leads a decent lifestyle alongside his precious family. Well…that’s what he believes. One night a single event plunges Nebula into the deep dark secrets of humanity, and what seemed like a normal lifestyle changes into one riled with danger. Little does he know that everything may not be as great as it seems. As he journeys to find his purpose, his identity, and the truth, will Nebula discover the unknown beyond the stars?
A few days have passed since Nebula’s best friend, Jaime, was kidnapped by a Paladin whose motives are still a mystery. Arriving on Celestan has brought him nothing but trouble; son of a King and member of a royal family, Nebula is faced with the difficult challenge of living up to the Zoarian name. But as he struggles to gain his family’s acceptance, he also must deal with the unpleasant fact that his father’s wife has taken Jaime, and all his efforts in finding her have been for naught. The doubt he has in the supposed allies around him, and most of all himself, weighs down heavily on his heart. With the looming threat of the Kaz armies preparing to attack, the three royal families must make a choice. Unite as one to fight, or die.
Defeat is a harsh reality.
As blood oozes from his gunshot wound, Nebula has come to accept this, and most certainly sees this place as his final destination. Now back where everything began, he faces the biggest threat to his own existence…himself. Stripped of his abilities and laid bare, the physical pain pales in comparison to the mental suffering he endures when contemplating the effects his past has had on his present, and his future. And his past is staring him right in the face; Kiara will never forgive Nebula for betraying his oath to Earth and its people. His life is in her hands, but maybe…hers is also in his.
The Façade is fading.
The Overlord is coming.
The End is near.
Perhaps Defeat is only the beginning?

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